4GB USB Card
USB card with 4GB storage capacity. Thanks to its flat shape it can be easily stowed anywhere. The large white area is perfect for digital print. Deliveries within Germany are subject to GEMA fees.
o.colorID === color.id);
fullImage = (productList.length && productList[0].imglist && productList[0].imglist.length) ? productList[0].imglist[0] : '/products/w300/other/noimage-spark.webp';
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
url.searchParams.set('color', productList[0].colorID);
history.replaceState({page: 1}, color.name, url.toString());
activeColorName = color.name;
gtag('event', 'view_item', {
'items': [
'id': productList[0].id,
'name': productList[0].name,
'variant': productList[0].colorName
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });
event: 'view_item' ,
ecommerce: {
currency: 'HUF' ,
value: productList[0].price,
items: [
item_id: productList[0].id,
item_name: productList[0].name,
item_variant: productList[0].colorName,
" :style="'background:' + color.color" ; class="tooltip my-2 mr-4 border-4 border-neutral/30 ring-offset-secondary border-opacity-20 rounded-full w-8 h-8 focus:outline-none hover:ring hover:ring-spark hover:ring-offset-2"
:class="(color.id != productList[0].colorID) ? '' : 'ring ring-spark ring-offset-4' ">
Tooltip text
Szín: Fehér
Méret: 8,5 × 5,5 × 0,2 cm
Emblémázási méret: 8,3 × 5,2
Emblémázási technológia:
- Származási hely: CN
- Vámtarifaszám: 85235110
- Gyűjtőcsomag: 400
- Egységcsomag: 100
- Bruttó tömeg: 0.016
Kérj ajánlatot!
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11677 db
• Érkezik:
0 db
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